Implementation of the Agricultural Water Management Planning Act: A Review of Agricultural Water Management Plans

Pacific Institute | August 29th, 2013


Twenty-four of California’s agricultural water districts have submitted agricultural water management plans, leaving 55 districts out of compliance with the requirement

In the Field and In the Stream: California Reasonable Use Law Applied to Water for Agriculture

Golden Gate University (GSU) | August 1st, 2016


When it comes to fresh water consumption in California, going forward we will need to learn to do more with less. There are at least two main reasons why California will

Increased future occurrences of the exceptional 2018–2019 Central European drought under global warming

Nature Portfolio (Springer Nature) | August 6th, 2020


Since the spring 2018, a large part of Europe has been in the midst of a record-setting drought. Using long-term observations, we demonstrate that the occurrence of the

Increasing soil organic carbon to mitigate greenhouse gases and increase climate resiliency for California

California Natural Resources Agency (CNRA) | August 1st, 2018


Rising air temperatures are projected to continue to drive up urban, agricultural, and rangeland water use, straining both surface and groundwater resources. Scie

Influence of agricultural managed aquifer recharge on nitrate transport: The role of soil texture and flooding frequency

Soil Science Society of America (SSSA) | June 9th, 2021


Agricultural managed aquifer recharge (Ag-MAR) is a concept in which farmland is flooded during the winter using excess surface water to recharge the underlying groundwat

Integrated approaches to understanding and reducing drought impact on food security across scales

Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability (Elsevier) | October 1st, 2019


Understanding the cross-scale linkages between drought and food security is vital to developing tools to reduce drought impacts and support decision making. This study re

Investing In Clean Agriculture: How California Can Strengthen Agriculture, Reduce Pollution And Save Money

Pacific Institute | February 8th, 2005


Global competition, suburban encroachment, tighter regulations, and rising input costs are making farming in California more difficult and, in some cases, less profitable


Scientific American | January 17th, 1903



Scientific American | January 10th, 1903


Irrigation has been practised in America from time immemorial by the town-building Pueblo Indian tribes inhabiting portions of New Mexico and Arizona. Their ancie

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