Modeling Cost, Energy, and Total Organic Carbon Trade-Offs for Stormwater Spreading Basin Systems Receiving Recycled Water Produced Using Membrane-Based, Ozone-Based, and Hybrid Advanced Treatment Trains

American Chemical Society (ACS) | January 31st, 2019


To address water scarcity, cities are pursuing options for augmenting groundwater recharge with recycled water. Ozone-based treatment trains comprising ozone and biologic

Mojave Region Functionally Equivalent Storm Water Resources Plan

Mojave Water Agency (MWA) | October 4th, 2017


The State of California now recognizes the importance of incorporating storm water as a potential resource in a region’s water portfolio. Historically, storm water was

Moving Toward a Multi-Benefit Approach for Water Management

Pacific Institute | April 11th, 2019


There is broad recognition that adapting to climate change, coupled with the need to address aging infrastructure, population growth, and degraded ecosystems, will re

Multiyear Water Quality Performance and Mass Accumulation of PCBs, Mercury, Methylmercury, Copper, and Microplastics in a Bioretention Rain Garden

American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) | November 1st, 2019


A multiyear water quality performance study of a bioretention rain garden located along a major urban transit corridor east of San Francisco Bay was conducted to assess t

Municipal Stormwater Management Spending in California: Data Extraction, Compilation, and Analysis

Environmental Management (Springer) | March 23rd, 2022


Communities in the U.S. fund stormwater management programs to reduce flooding and improve and protect water quality. Few studies have attempted to quantify municipal sto

New San Francisco Bay Contaminants Emerge

San Francisco Estuary Institute (SFEI) | July 2nd, 2020


 In 2016, the RMP launched a novel investigation to detect new or unexpected contaminants in Bay waters, as well as treated sewage (or wastewater) discharged to the Bay.

NPDES Stormwater Cost Survey

California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) | January 4th, 2005


Task A – Documenting Stormwater Program Costs  Five California municipalities and one metropolitan area with stormwater programs that are demonstrating meaningful

One Water LA 2040 Plan

City of Los Angeles | April 30th, 2018


The purpose of the One Water LA 2040 Plan (Plan) is to increase sustainable water management for the City of Los Angeles (City). The City launched One Water LA with two p

Open data and stormwater systems in Los Angeles: applications for equitable green infrastructure

Local Environment (Taylor & Francis) | February 6th, 2018


Urban stormwater systems traditionally used “grey” infrastructure to manage runoff. Contemporary designs now incorporate “green” infrastructure, which offers addi

Optimal Selection and Placement of Green Infrastructure in Urban Watersheds for PCB Control

American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) | May 1st, 2019


San Francisco Bay and its watersheds are polluted by legacy polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), resulting in the establishment of a total maximum daily load (TDML) that req

Filter Results






Hydrological Region