Resilient Landscape Vision for Upper Penitencia Creek

San Francisco Estuary Institute (SFEI) | January 1st, 2019


This report proposes a new multi-benefit approach to flood management along Upper Penitencia Creek. Recognizing the creek’s complex history, land use, and challenges, t

Restoration Vision for the Laguna de Santa Rosa

San Francisco Estuary Institute (SFEI) | April 1st, 2020


The Laguna de Santa Rosa, located in the Russian River watershed in Sonoma County, CA, is an expansive freshwater wetland complex that hosts a rich diversity of plant a

San Francisco Bay Plan

San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission | May 1st, 2012


The San Francisco Bay is an irreplaceable gift of nature that man can either abuse and ultimately destroy-or improve and protect for future generations. The Bay Plan p

Scenarios of climate adaptation potential on protected working lands from management of soils

Environmental Research Letters (IOP) | September 30th, 2019


Management of protected lands may enhance ecosystem services that conservation programs were designed to protect. Practices that build soil organic matter on agri

Sea Level Rise in California

Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) | February 29th, 2024


Shifting landscapes: decoupled urban irrigation and greenness patterns during severe drought

Environmental Research Letters (IOP) | June 7th, 2019


Urban outdoor water conservation and efficiency offer high potential for demand-side management, but irrigation, greenness, and climate interlinks must be better underst

Show Me the Water Plan: Urban Water Management Plans and California’s Water Supply Adequacy Laws

Golden Gate University (GSU) | October 11th, 2010


In 2001, California adopted two landmark pieces of legislation – Senate Bills (SB) 221 and 610 – that require local land use authorities to demonstrate long-t

Solar Energy and Groundwater in the San Joaquin Valley

Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) | October 26th, 2022


The Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) requires groundwater users to bring their basins into balance over the next two decades. In the San Joaquin Valley, this

Solar-power replacement as a solution for hydropower foregone in US dam removals

Nature Portfolio (Springer Nature) | August 26th, 2019


There is a growing dam removal movement in the United States, driven in part by environmental, safety and cost considerations. These include electricity-producing hydro-d

Special Report on Climate Change and Land

UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) | August 7th, 2019


This Special Report on Climate Change and Land1 responds to the Panel decision in 2016 to prepare three Special Reports during the Sixth Assessment cycle, taking

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