Changing impacts of Alaska-Aleutian subduction zone tsunamis in California under future sea-level rise

Nature Portfolio (Springer Nature) | December 8th, 2021


The amplification of coastal hazards such as distant-source tsunamis under future relative sea-level rise (RSLR) is poorly constrained. In southern California, the Alaska

Chapter 12: Sea Level Rise, Climate Science Special Report, Fourth National Climate Assessment

U.S. Global Change Research Program | November 1st, 2017


Sea level rise is closely linked to increasing global temperatures. Thus, even as uncertainties remain about just how much sea level may rise this century, it is virtu

Characterizing storm-induced coastal change hazards along the United States West Coast

Nature Portfolio (Springer Nature) | May 23rd, 2022


Traditional methods to assess the probability of storm-induced erosion and flooding from extreme water levels have limited use along the U.S. West Coast where swell domin

City of Santa Barbara Sea-Level Rise Vulnerability Study

California Energy Commission (CEC) | July 31st, 2012


Cliff and bluff erosion, flooding of low-lying areas, and damage to shoreline infrastructure and development will continue to affect California’s coastal communities in

Climate Change Adaptations for Local Water Management in the San Francisco Bay Area

California Energy Commission (CEC) | July 1st, 2012


Climate change will affect both sea level and the temporal and spatial distribution of runoff in California. These climate change impacts will affect the reliability of w

Climate Change and the Delta

University of California, Davis (UC Davis) | October 1st, 2016


Climate change amounts to a fast approaching, “new” stressor in the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta system. In response to California’s extreme natural hydroclimatic

Climate change contributions to future atmospheric river flood damages in the western United States

Nature Portfolio (Springer Nature) | August 12th, 2022


Atmospheric rivers (ARs) generate most of the economic losses associated with flooding in the western United States and are projected to increase in intensity with climat

Climate change increases risk of extreme rainfall following wildfire in the western United States

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) | April 1st, 2022


Post-wildfire extreme rainfall events can have destructive impacts in the western United States. Using two climate model large ensembles, we assess the future risk of ext

Climate change intensification of horizontal water vapor transport in CMIP5

American Geophysical Union (AGU) | June 8th, 2015


Global warming of the Earth’s atmosphere is hypothesized to lead to an intensification of the global water cycle. To determine associated hydrological changes, most pr

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