Delta Operations for Salmonids and Sturgeon (DOSS) Technical Working Group

Delta Stewardship Council (Delta Council) | November 1st, 2018


Delta smelt resiliency strategy

California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | July 11th, 2016


The Delta Smelt Resiliency Strategy (Strategy) is a science-based document that has been prepared by the State of California (State) to voluntarily address both immediate

Demographic predictors of urinary arsenic in a low-income predominantly Hispanic pregnancy cohort in Los Angeles

Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology (Springer) | July 27th, 2020


Arsenic (As) is a contaminant of top public health concern, due to its range of detrimental health effects. Arsenic exposure has not been well-characterized among the US

Department of Fish and Game Rationale for Effects of Exports

California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) | November 2nd, 2011


This document describes the California Department of Fish and Game (DFG) methodology to quantify the surface area in the Sacramento – San Joaquin delta estuary (Delta)

Development of Flow Criteria for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Ecosystem

California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) | August 4th, 2010


Water Code section 85086 (See Appendix B), contained in the Delta Reform Act, was enacted as part of the comprehensive package of water legislation adopted in November 20

Dioxin Issue Paper: Expert Panel Response and Recommendations

Bay Area Clean Water Agencies (BACWA) | February 11th, 2010


Congeners of dioxins and furans have been found in the San Francisco Bay in several species of fish sometimes used for human consumption, causing the State of California

Disentangling Stationary and Dynamic Estuarine Fish Habitat to Inform Conservation: Species-Specific Responses to Physical Habitat and Water Quality in San Francisco Estuary

American Fisheries Society (AFS) | October 12th, 2021


Estuaries represent critical aquatic habitat that connects surface water distributed between Earth’s landmasses and oceans. They are dynamic transitional ecosystems, wh

Documentation of a Groundwater Flow Model (SJRRPGW) for the San Joaquin River Restoration Program Study Area, California

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) | September 23rd, 2014


To better understand the potential effects of restoration flows on existing drainage problems, anticipated as a result of the San Joaquin River Restoration Program (SJRRP

Downscaling global ocean climate models improves estimates of exposure regimes in coastal environments

Nature Portfolio (Springer Nature) | August 26th, 2020


Climate change is expected to warm, deoxygenate, and acidify ocean waters. Global climate models (GCMs) predict future conditions at large spatial scales, and these pred

Draft finding of no significant impact, 2-Gates Fish Protection Demonstration Project.

U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) | November 13th, 2009


The proposed Demonstration Project is a 5-year experiment to validate a new delta smelt behavioral model and study the effects of modifying flows in the Sacramento-San Jo

Filter Results






Hydrological Region