A Synthesis of Aquatic Science for Management of Lakes Mead and Mohave

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) | January 29th, 2013


Lakes Mead and Mohave, which are the centerpieces of Lake Mead National Recreation Area, provide many significant benefits that have made the modern development of the So

Adapting to Climate Change and Drought in Selected California Groundwater Basins: Local Achievements and Challenges

California Natural Resources Agency (CNRA) | August 27th, 2018


Climate change projections are for higher temperatures and extreme droughts by the end of the 21st century. This will alter the natural recharge of groundwater, including

Analysis and simulation of regional subsidence accompanying groundwater abstraction and compaction of susceptible aquifer systems in the USA

Mexican Geological Society (Sociedad Geológica Mexicana) | January 17th, 2013


Regional aquifer-system compaction and land subsidence accompanying groundwater abstraction in susceptible aquifer systems in the USA is a challenge for managing groundwa

Anthropogenic warming impacts on California snowpack during drought

American Geophysical Union (AGU) | March 15th, 2017


Sierra Nevada climate and snowpack is simulated during the period of extreme drought from 2011 to 2015 and compared to an identical simulation except for the removal of t

Assessing the Effects of Climate Change on Middle Rio Grande Surface Water Supplies Using a Simple Water Balance Reservoir Model

American Meteorological Society (AMS) | August 12th, 2022


The middle Rio Grande is a vital source of water for irrigation in the region. Climate change is impacting regional hydrology and is likely to put additional stress on a

Balancing Flood Risk and Water Supply in California: Policy Search Integrating Short-Term Forecast Ensembles With Conjunctive Use

American Geophysical Union (AGU) | September 24th, 2018


Short-term weather forecasts have the potential to improve reservoir operations for both flood control and water supply objectives, especially in regions currently relyin

Beneath the Surface: Why Reservoirs Won't Solve California's Water Woes

Center for Biological Diversity (CBD) | November 19th, 2024


Water storage and conveyance have fundamentally shaped modern California. The vast agricultural industry, as well as globally important cities like Los Angeles, were made

Bulletin 17-65, Dams within Jurisdiction of the State of California

California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | August 31st, 1965


Bulletin 17-71, Dams within Jurisdiction of the State of California

California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | October 29th, 1971


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