2020 Annual Report on the Salton Sea Management Program

California Natural Resources Agency (CNRA) | February 21st, 2020


Improving air quality and creating habitat at the Salton Sea are key priorities for Governor Gavin Newsom and the California Natural Resources Agency. The Sea’s continu

2020 Review Water Quality Standards for Salinity Colorado River System

Colorado River Basin Salinity Control Forum (CRBSCF) | October 1st, 2020


This document is a review of the water quality standards for salinity in the Colorado River. Section 303 of the Clean Water Act amendments to the Federal Water Pollution

2022 Drought Response Operations Plan

U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) | April 20th, 2022


A Literature Review and Hypsometric Analysis to Support Decisions on Trout Management Flows on the Colorado River Downstream from Glen Canyon Dam

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) | August 7th, 2024


Fish stranding has been studied in select rivers worldwide, often with the purpose of determining how to mitigate adverse effects of dam operations on highly valued salmo

A Salton Sea Chronology (Prehistory-2015)

U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) | January 14th, 2016


A Synthesis of Aquatic Science for Management of Lakes Mead and Mohave

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) | January 29th, 2013


Lakes Mead and Mohave, which are the centerpieces of Lake Mead National Recreation Area, provide many significant benefits that have made the modern development of the So

A western United States snow reanalysis dataset over the Landsat era from water years 1985 to 2021

Nature Portfolio (Springer Nature) | November 7th, 2022


Water stored in mountain snowpacks (i.e., snow water equivalent, SWE) represents an important but poorly characterized component of the terrestrial water cycle. The Weste

Alleviating water scarcity by optimizing crop mixes

Nature Portfolio (Springer Nature) | November 6th, 2023


Alternative management paradigms for the future of the Colorado and Green Rivers

U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) | January 28th, 2021


The Colorado River is among the most extensively managed river systems in the world. The river’s headwaters are within the Rocky Mountains in the United States. From t

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