UN-Water Analytical Brief on Unconventional Water Resources

United Nations (UN) | June 5th, 2020


Increasing water scarcity is recognized as a key challenge to sustainable development and major cause of conflict, social unrest and changes to traditional migration rout

Uncertainty in El Niño-like warming and California precipitation changes linked by the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation

Nature Portfolio (Springer Nature) | November 10th, 2021


Marked uncertainty in California (CA) precipitation projections challenges their use in adaptation planning in the region already experiencing severe water stress. Under

Understanding the recent increase in multiyear La Niñas

Nature Portfolio (Springer Nature) | September 18th, 2023


Untapped Potential: An Assessment of Urban Stormwater Runoff Potential in the United States

Pacific Institute | February 29th, 2024


In this assessment, we quantify the volumetric potential for stormwater runoff in US Census Urban Areas across the entire United States. This assessment finds that the av

Updated Groundwater Sustainability Plan, San Joaquin Valley – Tule, Alpaugh Groundwater Sustainability Agency

Alpaugh Groundwater Sustainability Agency | July 27th, 2022


Alpaugh GSA is part of the Tule Subbasin and was formed in May 2016 for the purpose of complying with the SGMA. This updated GSP complies with the SGMA by addressing the

Updating the CALVIN Hydro-Economic Optimization Model of California: Central Valley Groundwater

University of California, Davis (UC Davis) | July 11th, 2012


Updates are being made to Central Valley groundwater in CALVIN, a hydro-economic model of California’s intertied water supply and delivery system. These updates reflect

Urban and Agricultural Water Use in California, 1960–2015

Pacific Institute | June 22nd, 2020


Water is the lifeblood of California. It provides for the household needs of 40 million people. It generates electricity and cools power plants. It supports one of the mo

Urban hydrology and water management— Present and future challenges

Urban Water (Elsevier) | March 1st, 1999


Urban hydrology is an applied science that will have an increasing role to play in the sustainability of human societies. Facing present growth of urban population, it is

Urban Water Demand in California to 2100: Incorporating Climate Change

Pacific Institute | August 28th, 2012


Climate change will have significant impacts in California not just on water supply, but also on water demand. A new, free tool from the Pacific Institute* helps water

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