Atmospheric Rivers Impacting Northern California Exhibit a Quasi-Decadal Frequency

American Geophysical Union (AGU) | July 26th, 2021


In Northern California, much of the precipitation and surface water comes from atmospheric rivers–corridors of moisture transport from the tropics. The frequency of atm

Atmospheric rivers in 20 year weather and climate simulations: A multi-model, global evaluation

American Geophysical Union (AGU) | June 1st, 2017


Atmospheric rivers (ARs) are narrow, elongated, synoptic jets of water vapor that play importantroles in the global water cycle and meteorological/hydrological extremes.

Base of fresh ground water (approximately 3,000 micromhos) in the San Joaquin Valley, California

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) | June 30th, 1971


Widespread pumping of groundwater in the San Joaquin Valley began about 1900, and since 1940 pumpage has increased at an accelerated rate. In response to the heavy withdr

Better late than never: a synthesis of strategic land retirement and restoration in California

Ecological Society of America (Wiley) | August 10th, 2018


Strategic retirement and restoration of agricultural lands is a critical conservation opportunity globally. The objective of this synthesis was to examine whether ecolog

Bottoms Up: Treated sewage could be the safest, most environmentally sound source of tap water yet - if we can get over the yuck factor

Scientific American | July 1st, 2014


On a sunny day in December, I visit a shiny, sterile water-processing facility nestled in the hills of northern San Diego. Sheltered by an ugly cream-colored roof but l

Buena Vista Groundwater Sustainability Agency Amended Groundwater Sustainability Plan

Buena Vista Groundwater Sustainability Agency (BVGSA) | July 27th, 2022


The revised and resubmitted information presented in this amended GSP has been prepared in response to DWR’s Incomplete Determination of the 2020 Groundwater Sustainabi

Bulletin 118 - California's Groundwater Update 2013

California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | April 15th, 2015


California’s Groundwater Update 2013 compiles and analyzes readily available groundwater information to characterize California’s groundwater basins, aquifers, and we

Bulletin 16, Report of Sacramento-San Joaquin Water Supervision for 1948

California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | May 31st, 1949


Bulletin 17-00, Dams within Jurisdiction of the State of California

California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | July 31st, 2000


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