Toward a Resilient Global Society: Air, Sea Level, Earthquakes, and Weather

American Geophysical Union (AGU) | April 30th, 2019


Society's progress along the four corners of prepare, adsorb, respond and adapt resilience square is uneven, in spite of our understanding of the foundational science and

Tracking Where Water Goes in a Changing Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta Technical Appendix: Methods and Detailed Results for 1980–2021

Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) | May 26th, 2022


Our goal is to provide water policymakers, managers, and regulators with information that will be helpful in managing the Delta and its watershed for multiple objectives

Translating Science-Based Restoration Strategies into Spatially-Explicit Restoration Opportunities in the Delta (2018 Bay-Delta Science Conference Presentation)

San Francisco Estuary Institute (SFEI) | July 2nd, 2018


In a previous report titled “A Delta Renewed” we offered a collection of guidelines for science-based ecological restoration in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta that

Trends in atmospheric patterns conducive to seasonal precipitation and temperature extremes in California seasonal precipitation and temperature extremes

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) | April 1st, 2016


Recent evidence suggests that changes in atmospheric circulation have altered the probability of extreme climate events in the Northern Hemisphere. We investigate northe

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