The Economic Value of Carryover Storage in California’s Water Supply System with Limited Hydrologic Foresight

University of California, Davis (UC Davis) | July 1st, 2021


The security and prosperity of California’s economy depend on a large, interconnected and highly engineered water supply system with vast surface and groundwater stora

The economic value of local water supplies in Los Angeles

Nature Portfolio (Springer Nature) | May 21st, 2018


Los Angeles imports water over long distances to supplement local supplies. Reduced reliability of the available imports is driving many local agencies to promote conserv

The Effect of a Receding Saline Lake (The Salton Sea) on Airborne Particulate Matter Composition

American Chemical Society (ACS) | July 12th, 2017


The composition of ambient particulate matter (PM) and its sources were investigated at the Salton Sea, a shrinking saline lake in California. To investigate the influenc

The Effect of Declining Groundwater Levels on Supply Well Operations

University of California, Davis (UC Davis) | August 15th, 2016


This report explores the impact of droughts on domestic and irrigation well operations. Well completion reports and groundwater depth data obtained from the Department of

The effect of reducing per capita water and energy uses on renewable water resources in the water, food and energy nexus

Nature Portfolio (Springer Nature) | May 9th, 2022


This study assesses the feedbacks between water, food, and energy nexus at the national level with a dynamic-system model, taking into account the qualitative and quantit

The Enduring Role of Tribes in the Colorado River Basin

Water and Tribes Initiative | July 1st, 2019


The purpose of this policy brief is to explain the origin, rationale, and purpose of the Water & Tribes Initiative in the Colorado River Basin. As explained more fully be

The Evaporative Demand Drought Index. Part I: Linking Drought Evolution to Variations in Evaporative Demand

American Meteorological Society (AMS) | March 1st, 2016


Many operational drought indices focus primarily on precipitation and temperature when depicting hydroclimatic anomalies, and this perspective can be augmented by analys

The Evolution of Metropolitan’s Agricultural Partnerships

Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD) | August 5th, 2022


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