North Coastal Area Action Program: A Study of the Smith River Basin and Plain

California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | December 17th, 1970


The 770-square-mile Smith River Basin and Plain in the northwestern corner of California has adequate water supplies overall, but a problem exists in distributing the w

North Delta Water Management Program

California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | March 1st, 1988


Water management issues surrounding the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta continue to challenge water resource planners in California. Many agree there are problems and urge

North Fork Kings Groundwater Sustainability Agency Groundwater Sustainability Plan (Revised)

North Fork Kings Groundwater Sustainability Agency (NFKGSA) | July 14th, 2022


North Fork Kings Groundwater Sustainability Plan

North Fork Kings Groundwater Sustainability Agency (NFKGSA) | December 18th, 2019


North Kings Groundwater Sustainability Groundwater Sustainability Plan

North Kings Groundwater Sustainability Agency | November 21st, 2019


North San Benito Groundwater Sustainability Plan

San Benito County Water District Groundwater Sustainability Agency (SBCWD) | November 30th, 2021


The North San Benito Groundwater Basin (Basin) is the plan area for this Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP), developed consistent with the Sustainable Groundwater Man

Northern and Central Delta-Mendota Regions Revised Groundwater Sustainability Plan

San Luis & Delta-Mendota Water Authority (SLDMWA) | June 24th, 2022


Within the Delta-Mendota Subbasin, six (6) GSPs have been developed in a coordinated fashion with the goal of achieving sustainability for the Subbasin as a whole. The GS

On the Connection Between Global Hydrologic Sensitivity and Regional Wet Extremes

American Geophysical Union (AGU) | October 23rd, 2018


The global water cycle is expected to intensify under climate change and can be generally characterized by greater rainfall and surface evaporation in the future. However

On the dynamics of the Hadley circulation and subtropical drying

Climate Dynamics (Springer) | April 10th, 2014


Changes in subtropical precipitation and the Hadley circulation (HC) are inextricably linked. The original Halley–Hadley model cannot explain certain aspects of the Ear

On the Sources of Water Supply Forecast Error in Western Colorado

American Meteorological Society (AMS) | December 1st, 2023


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