Water and the Future of the San Joaquin Valley

Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) | February 14th, 2019


The San Joaquin Valley—California’s largest agricultural region and an important contributor to the nation’s food supply—is in a time of great change. The valle

Water Facilities Including a Peripheral Canal Referendum Statute

State of California | June 1st, 1982


WATER FACILITIES INCLUDING A PERIPHERAL CANAL. REFERENDUM STATUTE. A "yes" vote approves, a "no" vote rejects, a law that will : Designate additional facilities and pr

Water Heist: How Corporations are Cashing in on California’s Water

Public Citizen | December 1st, 2003


In 1994, the largest contractors with the California State Water Project (SWP)—the state’s largest water delivery system—called the Department of Water Resources (D

Water management in mediterranean river basins: a comparison of management frameworks, physical impacts, and ecological responses

Hydrobiologia (Springer) | September 11th, 2012


Rivers in mediterranean climates have been extensively modified by water management infrastructure and practices, yet patterns of development and consequent effec

Water Quality Conditions in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta during 1995

California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | August 1st, 1999


Water year 1995 was a wet year, ending an eight-year period of predominantly dry and critically dry years.  After a relatively dry fall, January and March precipitation

Water Reliability in the West - 2021 SECURE Water Act Report

U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) | January 4th, 2021


The Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) is the largest wholesaler of water in the country. Reclamation delivers water for municipal, agricultural, tribal, and environment

Water Right Decision 1485: Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and Suisun Marsh

California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) | August 16th, 1978


Water storage decisions will determine the distribution and persistence of imperiled river fishes

Ecological Society of America (Wiley) | December 17th, 2020


Managing the world’s freshwater supply to meet societal and environmental needs in a changing climate is one of the biggest challenges for the 21st century. Dams provid

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