Microplastics in Lake Mead National Recreation Area

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) | October 9th, 2019


  This dataset describes the quantity and morphology of microplastics in water, surficial sediment, sediment core, fish, and shellfish samples from Lake Mead Nation

Modeling Land Subsidence Using InSAR and Airborne Electromagnetic Data

American Geophysical Union (AGU) | March 13th, 2019


Land subsidence as a result of groundwater overpumping in the San Joaquin Valley, California, is associated with the loss of groundwater storage and aquifer contaminatio

Mountain rock glaciers contain globally significant water stores

Nature Portfolio (Springer Nature) | February 12th, 2018


Glacier- and snowpack-derived meltwaters are threatened by climate change. Features such as rock glaciers (RGs) are climatically more resilient than glaciers and

Movement of synthetic organic compounds in the food web after the introduction of invasive quagga mussels (Dreissena bugensis) in Lake Mead, Nevada and Arizona, USA

Publisher not available | August 21st, 2020


Introductions of dreissenid mussels in North America have been a significant concern over the last few decades. This study assessed the distribution of synthetic organic

North of Delta Offstream Storage (NODOS) Investigation Highlights (Sites Reservoir)

California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | May 28th, 2014


The California Department of Water Resources and the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, working in cooperation with other federal, state, and local agencies, are studying the po

North-of-the-Delta Offstream Storage Investigation (Sites Reservoir) 2013 Progress Report

U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) | January 1st, 2015


The North-of-the-Delta Off Stream Storage (NODOS) Investigation is a Feasibility Study being performed the Bureau of Reclamation and Sites Project Authority, in partnersh

Oroville Dam Safety Comprehensive Needs Assessment Summary

California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | October 30th, 2020


Oroville Dam, located on the Feather River in Butte County, is a key facility of the California State Water Project (SWP). Completed in 1967, it is owned and operated by

Paying it Forward: The Path Toward Climate-Safe Infrastructure in California

Climate-Safe Infrastructure Working Group | September 1st, 2018


Projected increases and shifts in rain-on-snow flood risk over western North America

Nature Portfolio (Springer Nature) | August 6th, 2018


Destructive and costly flooding can occur when warm storm systems deposit substantial rain on extensive snowcover, as observed in February 2017 with the Oroville

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