Pilot Projects to Increase Colorado River System Water in Lake Powell and Lake Mead

U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) | January 14th, 2022


From calendar year 2015 through 2018, 64 projects were implemented in the Upper Basin resulting in an estimated 47,280 acre-feet of Colorado River System water conserved

Planned operation of large-scale water-distribution system

American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) | May 1st, 1995


A water-supply-distribution-system planning model has been developed using a directed graph algorithm as its pre- and post-processors and a linear programming (LP) proced

Planning and investing for a resilient California: A guidebook for state agencies

Governor's Office of Planning and Research (OPR) | November 17th, 2017


Executive Order (EO) B-30-15 (April 2015; Appendix A) identified three actions to advance adaptation and resilience: 1. Preparation of Implementation Action Plans to id

Projected Changes in Precipitation, Temperature, and Drought across California’s Hydrologic Regions in the 21st Century

Climate (MDPI) | April 23rd, 2018


This study investigated potential changes in future precipitation, temperature, and drought across 10 hydrologic regions in California. The latest climate model projectio

Prototyping structured decision making for water resource management in the San Francisco Bay-Delta

Environmental Science & Policy (Elsevier) | May 2nd, 2024


A structured decision making (SDM) approach can help evaluate tradeoffs between conservation and human-benefit objectives by fostering communication and knowledge transfe

Regional Governance of Flood Management in the Central Valley

California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | May 30th, 2014


California faces significant challenges in managing its highly variable water resources, particularly as climate change and a growing population exacerbate drought and fl

Report on an Integrated Regional Water Management Plan for the San Joaquin Valley of California

U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) | May 1st, 2016


A major investment has been made through California voter-approved general obligation bonds to incentivize regional water infrastructure and management solutions that imp

Safe Clean Water Water for Los Angeles County Residents

Los Angeles County Department of Public Works (LACDPW) | November 7th, 2017


We live in a water-scarce area, and forces outside of our control can threaten our local water resources, including lakes, rivers and beaches. LA Count

Salinas River Watershed Area Salt Modeling

California Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (CCRWQCB) | November 13th, 2015


Tetra Tech supported EPA Region 9 and the Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (CCRWQCB) for an assessment of salt impairments and development of a

Science be Dammed: How Ignoring Inconvenient Science Drained the Colorado River

University of Arizona Press | November 26th, 2019


Science Be Dammed is an alarming reminder of the high stakes in the management—and perils in the mismanagement—of water in the western United States.  It seems decep

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