Toward Natural Infrastructure to Manage Shoreline Change in California

California Natural Resources Agency (CNRA) | August 27th, 2018


Flooding and erosion caused by rising sea levels and powerful storms threaten property throughout coastal California. To protect against these climate-change related thr

Tracking California’s sinking coast from space: Implications for relative sea-level rise

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) | July 31st, 2020


Coastal vertical land motion affects projections of sea-level rise, and subsidence exacerbates flooding hazards. Along the ~1350-km California coastline, record

Trends in atmospheric patterns conducive to seasonal precipitation and temperature extremes in California seasonal precipitation and temperature extremes

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) | April 1st, 2016


Recent evidence suggests that changes in atmospheric circulation have altered the probability of extreme climate events in the Northern Hemisphere. We investigate northe

Trends in Snowfall versus Rainfall in the Western United States

American Meteorological Society (AMS) | September 15th, 2006


The water resources of the western United States depend heavily on snowpack to store part of the wintertime precipitation into the drier summer months. A well-documented

Twenty-first century hydroclimate: A continually changing baseline, with more frequent extremes

National Academy of Sciences (NAS) | March 14th, 2022


Variability in hydroclimate impacts natural and human systems worldwide. In particular, both decadal variability and extreme precipitation events have substantial effect

Understanding the recent increase in multiyear La Niñas

Nature Portfolio (Springer Nature) | September 18th, 2023


Urban Ecological Planning Guide for Santa Clara Valley

San Francisco Estuary Institute (SFEI) | June 20th, 2019


Like most cities, the urbanized region of Santa Clara Valley is a challenging place for plants and animals to make a home. Largely covered with pavement, crisscrossed by

Urban Levee Design Criteria

California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | May 15th, 2012


The Urban Levee Design Criteria (ULDC) provides engineering criteria and guidance for the design, evaluation, operation, and maintenance of levees and floodwalls that pro

Urban Level of Flood Protection Criteria

California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | November 12th, 2013


The Urban Level of Flood Protection Criteria was developed in response to requirements from the Central Valley Flood Protection Act of 2008, enacted by Senate Bill (SB) 5

Using Landsat and MODIS satellite collections to examine extent, timing, and potential impacts of surface water inundation in California croplands

Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment (RSASE) | October 1st, 2022


The state of California, United States of America produces many crop products that are both utilized domestically and exported throughout the world. With nearly 39,000 km

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