Climate warming enhancement of catastrophic southern California debris flows

Nature Portfolio (Springer Nature) | June 29th, 2020


The sequence of wildfires followed by debris flows, frequently affects southern California, reflecting its drought-heavy precipitation climate bipolarity. Organic debris

Climate-informed hydrologic modeling and policy typology to guide managed aquifer recharge

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) | April 21st, 2021


Harvesting floodwaters to recharge depleted groundwater aquifers can simultaneously reduce flood and drought risks and enhance groundwater sustainability. However, deploy

Climate, Drought, and Sea Level Rise Scenarios for the Fourth California Climate Assessment

California Energy Commission (CEC) | August 27th, 2018


Daily temperature and precipitation over California at a resolution of 1/16° (about 6 km, or 3.7 miles) were generated to support climate change impact studies for the

Coastal vulnerability across the Pacific dominated by El Niño/Southern Oscillation

Nature Portfolio (Springer Nature) | September 21st, 2015


To predict future coastal hazards, it is important to quantify any links between climate drivers and spatial patterns of coastal change. However, most studies of future c

Community Exposure to Tsunami Hazards in California

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) | February 20th, 2013


Evidence of past events and modeling of potential events suggest that tsunamis are significant threats to low-lying communities on the California coast. To reduce potenti

Conserving California’s Coastal Habitats: A Legacy and a Future with Sea Level Rise

Nature Conservancy | May 15th, 2018


The California coast that we know today will not be the coast of the future. Sea level rise and other climate change impacts will have profound effects on o

Considerations for Management of the Mouth State of California’s Bar-built Estuaries

Southern California Wetlands Recovery Project | January 10th, 2019


Bar-built estuaries are the dominant estuary type in California, and many of these small estuaries are subject to closure with a sand barrier separating a lagoon

Contribution of historical precipitation change to US flood damages

Publisher not available | January 26th, 2021


Precipitation extremes have increased across many regions of the United States, with further increases anticipated in response to additional global warming. Quantifying

Contribution of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation to global mean sea level trend

American Geophysical Union (AGU) | October 3rd, 2013


Understanding and explaining the trend in global mean sea level (GMSL) have important implications for future projections of sea level rise. While measurements from sa

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