Thermal performance in juvenile hatchery Oncorhynchus tshawytscha: aerobic scope tests over a range of environmental temperatures

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) | March 15th, 2016


In heavily-altered ecosystems, anthropogenic factors coupled with global climate change have drastically changed available habitats for many native fishes (Cloe

Tijuana River Valley Historical Ecology Investigation

San Francisco Estuary Institute (SFEI) | January 2nd, 2017


The Tijuana River Valley Historical Ecology Investigation addresses a regional data gap by reconstructing the landscape and ecosystem characteristics of the river valley

Time-lagged impacts of extreme, multi-year drought on tidal salt marsh plant invasion

Ecological Society of America (ESA) | June 11th, 2020


Climate change is projected to increase the frequency of extreme drought events, which can have dramatic consequences for ecosystems. Extreme drought may interact with o

Tools for managing hydrologic alteration on a regional scale II: Setting targets to protect stream health

Freshwater Biology (Wiley) | January 15th, 2018


1. Widespread hydrologic alteration creates a need for tools to assess ecological impacts to streams that can be applied across large geographic scales. A regional framew

Torres Martinez Tribe Salton Sea Oral Testimony

Salton Sea Authority | September 24th, 2020


 Chairman and Ranking Member, I sincerely appreciate the opportunity to testify today. I am the Tribal Council Chairman of the Torres Martinez Desert Cahuilla (Tribe) an

Toward a better understanding of freshwater fish responses to an increasingly drought-stricken world

Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries (Springer) | January 8th, 2019


Drought is a constant and important consequence of natural climatic processes and most freshwater fishes have adaptations to counter its effects. However, a changing glob

Toward a Preemptive Ecology for Rapid, Global, and Increasingly Irreversible Environmental Change: A Discussion Paper with Implications for Research and Management in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta

Delta Stewardship Council (Delta Council) | November 15th, 2019


People have extensively modified the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta since the 1850s. Rapid change is not new, but the nature of rapid change that is beginning to be experie

Toward a Resilient Global Society: Air, Sea Level, Earthquakes, and Weather

American Geophysical Union (AGU) | April 30th, 2019


Society's progress along the four corners of prepare, adsorb, respond and adapt resilience square is uneven, in spite of our understanding of the foundational science and

Toward Natural Infrastructure to Manage Shoreline Change in California

California Natural Resources Agency (CNRA) | August 27th, 2018


Flooding and erosion caused by rising sea levels and powerful storms threaten property throughout coastal California. To protect against these climate-change related thr

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