Recovery plan for Central Valley winter-run chinook salmon, spring-run chinook salmon, and steelhead

National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) | July 7th, 2014


Recovery is the process by which listed species and their ecosystems are restored and their future is safeguarded to the point that protections under the Endangered Speci

Recovery Plan for Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta native fishes

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) | November 26th, 1996


Eight fish species are included in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Native Fishes Recovery Plan. The delta smelt is listed as a threatened species. The Sacramento splitta

Reducing Methylmercury Accumulation in the Food Webs of San Francisco Bay and Its Local Watersheds

San Francisco Estuary Institute (SFEI) | April 8th, 2014


San Francisco Bay (California, USA) and its local watersheds present an interesting case study in estuarine mercury (Hg) contamination. This review focuses on the most pr

Regional Monitoring Program for Water Quality in San Francisco Bay 2016 Detailed Workplan and Budget

San Francisco Estuary Institute (SFEI) | November 10th, 2015


In 2016 the Regional Monitoring Program for Water Quality in San Francisco Bay (RMP) is entering its 24th year of collecting data and communicating information to suppor

Regional patterns in hydrologic response, a new three-component metric for hydrograph analysis and implications for ecohydrology, Northwest Volcanic Aquifer Study Area, USA

Journal of Hydrology (Elsevier) | June 12th, 2020


Spatial patterns of hydrologic response were examined for the Northwest Volcanic Aquifer Study Area (NVASA). The utility of established hydrograph-separation methods for

Relationship between wetland condition, stress, and buffer

San Francisco Estuary Institute (SFEI) | April 25th, 2016


Relationship of Delta Cross Channel Gate Operations to Loss of Juvenile Winter-run Chinook Salmon at the CVP/SWP Delta Facilities

California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) | July 1st, 2003


Winter-run Chinook salmon are distinguishable from the three other Chinook runs in the Sacramento River system by the timing of their upstream migration and spawning. Due

Residential irrigation as a driver of urban bird communities

Nature Portfolio (Springer Nature) | August 17th, 2009


The demand for fresh water has largely outpaced supply both globally and locally with current water management policies unable to meet the needs of urban, agricultural, a

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