Toward a Preemptive Ecology for Rapid, Global, and Increasingly Irreversible Environmental Change: A Discussion Paper with Implications for Research and Management in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta

Delta Stewardship Council (Delta Council) | November 15th, 2019


People have extensively modified the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta since the 1850s. Rapid change is not new, but the nature of rapid change that is beginning to be experie

Tracking Where Water Goes in a Changing Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta

Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) | May 26th, 2022


Click here for the accompanying Technical Appendix.

Tracking Where Water Goes in a Changing Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta Technical Appendix: Methods and Detailed Results for 1980–2021

Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) | May 26th, 2022


Our goal is to provide water policymakers, managers, and regulators with information that will be helpful in managing the Delta and its watershed for multiple objectives

Transitions for the Delta Economy

Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) | January 3rd, 2012


Enormous changes—from natural forces to management decisions—are coming to California’s fragile Delta region and will have broad effects on its residents. This repo

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