Primary Production in the Delta: Then and Now

University of California, Davis (UC Davis) | October 3rd, 2016


To evaluate the role of restoration in the recovery of the Delta ecosystem, we need to have clear targets and performance measures that directly assess ecosystem function

Primary Production in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta: A Science Strategy to Quantify Change and Identify Future Potential

San Francisco Estuary Institute (SFEI) | May 20th, 2019


Today’s Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta is an unusually low-productivity estuary. The constraints on primary production and the relative importance of different production

Principles for Agreement on Bay-Delta Standards Between the State of California and the Federal Government

California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) | December 15th, 1994


In order to provide ecosystem protection for the Bay-Delta Estuary, representatives of the State and Federal governments and urban, agricultural and environmental interes

Priorities for California’s Water

Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) | November 14th, 2022


This report considers the state of water in California: What changes are we seeing now, and what should we expect in the near future? Then it examines how these climate s

Priority Margin Unit Stormwater Monitoring to Support Load Estimates of PCBs into San Leandro Bay and the Emeryville Crescent

San Francisco Estuary Institute (SFEI) | July 15th, 2022


The Priority Margin Unit Studies: The 2014 update of the RMP PCB Strategy called for a multi-year effort to implement the recommendations of the  PCB Synthesis Report (D

Productive wetlands restored for carbon sequestration quickly become net CO2 sinks with site-level factors driving uptake variability

PLOS | March 25th, 2021


Inundated wetlands can potentially sequester substantial amounts of soil carbon (C) over the long-term because of slow decomposition and high primary productivity, partic

Promoting atmospheric-river and snowmelt fueled biogeomorphic processes by restoring river-floodplain connectivity in California’s Central Valley

Springer | April 30th, 2015


Potential biogeomorphic benefits from intentional levee breaks and weir overflow on the managed floodplain-river system of California’s Sacramento and San Joaquin River

Proposal for a Revised ITL and Expected Take for Adult Delta Smelt

Delta Stewardship Council (Delta Council) | July 29th, 2014


The 2008 USFWS Incidental Take Level (ITL) calculation determines the amount of annual delta smelt salvage allowed to be taken by the State Water Project (SWP) an

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