Estuary News, February 2001

San Francisco Estuary Partnership (SFEP) | February 15th, 2001


Estuary News, October 2003

San Francisco Estuary Partnership (SFEP) | October 15th, 2003


Final Initial Study / Mitigated Negative Declaration PG&E’s Upper Drum-Spaulding Hydroelectric Project (FERC No. 2310) and Lower Drum Hydroelectric Project (FERC No. 14531)

California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) | February 1st, 2021


The State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) has prepared this Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) to provide the public, responsible age

Hydro-Electric Development in California

Scientific American | August 2nd, 1913


A glance at a map of California similar to that accompanying this article, on which is portrayed the veritable network of long-distance transmission lines that mark th

Hydropower capacity factors trending down in the United States

Nature Portfolio (Springer Nature) | June 27th, 2024


Impacts of California’s Ongoing Drought: Hydroelectricity Generation

Pacific Institute | March 17th, 2015


California’s hottest and driest drought in recorded history is shifting the sources of energy for electricity with adverse economic and environmental consequences. The

Impacts of California’s Ongoing Drought: Hydroelectricity Generation 2015 Update

Pacific Institute | February 1st, 2016


The Pacific Institute has released a comprehensive assessment of the costs to California of lost hydroelectricity during the four years of drought from October 2011 to th

Long-Distance High-Tension Transmission of Power in California

Scientific American | May 16th, 1903


In the vast developments of electric power and its transmission California is fast solving the problem of cheaper fuel and power. The remarkable development that has o

Management of the Colorado River: Water Allocations, Drought, and the Federal Role

Congressional Research Service (CRS) | April 4th, 2024


From its headwaters in Colorado and Wyoming to its terminus in the Gulf of California, the Colorado River Basin covers more than 246,000 square miles. The basin spans sev

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