The Economics of Ending Delta Water Exports Versus the Peripheral Canal: Checking the Data of the PPIC

University of the Pacific | December 16th, 2008


This economic analysis was written by Dr. Jeffrey Michael with the University of the Pacific Eberhardt School of Business. He writes, "The issue of a peripheral canal

The San Francisco Bay-Delta: A failure of decision-making capacity

Environmental Science & Policy (Elsevier) | August 12th, 2009


The paper reviews the history of Bay-Delta decision-making in California in order to highlight the continuity between what happened with CALFED and what happened in the

The Twin Tunnels: Ruinous to Ratepayers, Catastrophic for the Environment

California Water Impact Network (C-WIN) | January 1st, 2014


Water is California’s most essential resource. It is limited in availability—in some years, extremely limited, forcing devastating delivery cut-backs to cities, farms

The Unaffordable and Unsustainable Twin Tunnels: Why the Santa Barbara Experience Matters

California Water Impact Network (C-WIN) | July 1st, 2016


PURPOSE OF THIS REPORT 1. Examine the deficiencies and cost impacts of Governor Brown's Twin Tunnels/CA WaterFix, illustrating the untenable financial burden these pro

Water Facilities Including a Peripheral Canal Referendum Statute

State of California | June 1st, 1982


WATER FACILITIES INCLUDING A PERIPHERAL CANAL. REFERENDUM STATUTE. A "yes" vote approves, a "no" vote rejects, a law that will : Designate additional facilities and pr

Water Quality Control Plan for Salinity (draft)

California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) | October 15th, 1988


Western Delta Intakes Concept

Bob Pyke | May 8th, 2013


A Self-Regulating, Inclusive and Sustainable Solution for the Sacramento San Joaquin Delta This white paper outlines a comprehensive solution to the current problems o

Your Delta, Your Voice

California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | May 28th, 2021


In Fall 2020, the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) launched an environmental justice community survey entitled Your Delta, Your Voice. The survey was live f

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