Sacramento River

The Sacramento River region includes the entire drainage of the Sacramento River and its tributaries, spanning from Chipps Island in Solano County northward to Goose Lake in Modoc County. The state’s two largest water systems, the Central Valley Project and the State Water Project, originate here. Agriculture is the main driver, with over 1.5 million acres irrigated on the valley floor. Top grossing crops include rice, walnuts, almonds, and tomatoes.

Climate Warming and Water Management Adaptation for California

Climactic Change (Springer) | June 10th, 2010


The ability of California’s water supply system to adapt to long-term climatic and demographic changes is examined. Two climate warming and a historical climate

Climate-Altered Wetlands Challenge Waterbird Use and Migratory Connectivity in Arid Landscapes

Nature Portfolio (Springer Nature) | March 15th, 2019


Wetlands in arid landscapes provide critical habitat for millions of migratory waterbirds across the world and throughout their annual cycle. The scope and scale

Climate-driven disturbances amplify forest drought sensitivity

Nature Portfolio (Springer Nature) | June 7th, 2024


Climate-informed hydrologic modeling and policy typology to guide managed aquifer recharge

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) | April 21st, 2021


Harvesting floodwaters to recharge depleted groundwater aquifers can simultaneously reduce flood and drought risks and enhance groundwater sustainability. However, deploy

Climate-Smart Tools to Protect California’s Freshwater Biodiversity

Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) | May 28th, 2024


California’s freshwater ecosystems—and the native plants and animals that rely on them—have been in decline for decades. Roughly half of California’s native fresh

Coagulant and Sorbent Efficacy in Removing Mercury from Surface Waters in the Cache Creek Watershed, California

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) | February 25th, 2019


Cache Creek drains part of northern California’s Coast Ranges and is an important source of mercury (Hg) to the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta. Cache Creek is c

Collateral Damage: A citizen’s guide to fish kills and habitat degradation at the state and federal water project pumps in the Delta

Bay Institute | March 1st, 2012


Large-scale fish kills and habitat destruction aren’t an unusual occurrence at the giant federal and state pumps that export water from the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta

Colusa County | Managed Aquifer Recharge: benefitting aquifers, farmers, and migratory birds

Nature Conservancy | September 3rd, 2018


In partnership with growers and the Colusa Groundwater Authority (CGA), The Nature Conservancy (TNC) is implementing a pilot multiple-benefit managed aquifer r

Colusa Subbasin Groundwater Sustainability Plan

Colusa Groundwater Authority | December 3rd, 2021


The purpose of this GSP is to characterize groundwater conditions in the Subbasin, evaluate and report on existing conditions relating to the six sustainability indicator

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Hydrological Region