Sacramento River

The Sacramento River region includes the entire drainage of the Sacramento River and its tributaries, spanning from Chipps Island in Solano County northward to Goose Lake in Modoc County. The state’s two largest water systems, the Central Valley Project and the State Water Project, originate here. Agriculture is the main driver, with over 1.5 million acres irrigated on the valley floor. Top grossing crops include rice, walnuts, almonds, and tomatoes.

California Water Plan Update 2023 Public Review Draft

California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | September 20th, 2023


The California Water Plan (Water Plan), updated every five years, is the State’s strategic plan for sustainably and equitably managing, developing, and stewarding water

California Water Resilience Portfolio

State of California | July 28th, 2020


California water seen as environment issue, not North vs. South

Christian Science Monitor | June 13th, 1984


Sooner or later southern Californians are going to get more water from the north. And yet the newest proposal to do it has rekindled the political rift over water policy

California Wetland and Riparian Area Protection Policy Technical Memorandum No. 5: Stream Definition

San Francisco Estuary Institute (SFEI) | April 20th, 2016


With this memorandum, the Technical Advisory Team (TAT) recommends a definition of California streams to the Policy Development Team (PDT) of the State Water Quality Cont

California's Central Valley Groundwater Wells Run Dry During Recent Drought

American Geophysical Union (AGU) | February 27th, 2020


Declining water tables are causing wells to run dry in California, but the prevalence and spatial distribution of wells that have run dry are not known beyond anecdotal a

California's Fourth Climate Change Assessment Statewide Summary Report

Governor's Office of Planning and Research (OPR) | August 27th, 2018


California’s Fourth Climate Change Assessment (Fourth Assessment) advances actionable science that serves the growing needs of state and local-level decision-

California's Groundwater Conditions Semi-Annual Update: March 2023

California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | March 15th, 2023


These updates are part of the informational resources associated with DWR’s California’s Groundwater (Bulletin 118). This report uses groundwater data received electr

California's Groundwater Conditions: Semi Annual Update May 2024, Spring Bulletin 118

California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | May 6th, 2024


In WY 2023, increased surface water supply led to a significant reduction in statewide groundwater extraction, amounting to a total annual extraction of 9.5 million acre-

California's Water Supply Strategy: Adapting to a Hotter, Drier Future

California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | August 16th, 2022


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