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Wildfire Impacts on Snowpack Phenology in a Changing Climate Within the Western U.S.

Jeremy Giovando, Jeffrey D. Niemann | July 8th, 2022

Snowpack accumulation and melt are critical for water supply in the western United States. As the number and size of wildfires have increased, it is important to understand how these events impact the seasonal snowpack. Using data from the Snow Telemetery monitoring network, we quantify the impacts of wildfires on snowpack for various regions across the western U.S. and Alaska. The results indicate that decreases in snowpack tend to occur following fires. Also, the snowmelt period usually begins and finishes earlier in the spring due to the conditions in the burned forests. In regions of the western U.S. that are already experiencing earlier snowmelt due to climate changes, wildfires are further shifting the melt earlier, which could have substantial consequences for water supply and flood risks.


climate change, ecosystem management, snowpack, upper watershed management