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User’s Manual for the Draper Climate-Distribution Software Suite with Data-Evaluation Tools

Kathryn M. Koczot, John M. Donovan | March 20th, 2019

Development of a time series of spatially distributed climate data is an important step in the process of developing physically based environmental models requiring distributed inputs of climate data beyond what is available from observations collected at climate stations. To prepare inputs required for model-mapping units across the study area, climate data (temperature and precipitation) are distributed by combining data from gridded surfaces of mean-monthly climate-data values with (often) widely spaced daily pointobservations. Examples of climate-data files used to develop PRMS-formatted input files for the Merced River Basin Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System (PRMS) are includedin this manual.

The Draper Climate-Distribution Software Suite (Draper Suite) consists of the Draper climate-distribution program (Draper) and several supporting pre- and post-processing applications. Draper combines spatially distributed input in the form of monthly averaged values for precipitation, maximum temperature, and minimum temperature with daily observed data from climate stations to estimate distributed climate-data values at predefined locations across a study area (typically adrainage basin) on a daily time step. Alternative methods are used when station data are limited or missing for a particular day. Draper uses a set of required and optional input andoutput files with defined formats and naming conventions. Ashell application also is available to manage multiple runs of the Draper application.

Other applications in the Draper Suite include (1) a toolto find and interactively remove outliers in the input data, (2) atool to check and enforce a minimum daily temperature range, and (3) a tool to view output diagnostic information as time- series graphs. These tools can be used iteratively to evaluate and improve the results from Draper as part of a work flow involving physically-based environmental models, such as the Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System (PRMS).


climate change, modeling, water supply forecasting