Document Details

System Reoperation Study, Phase 1: Plan of Study

California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | June 16th, 2011

System reoperation is generally defined as changing the operational and management procedures of existing water system facilities to obtain water resources related benefits. Reoperation is considered an alternative to constructing major new facilities, although it may consist of physical modification of existing facilities. The specifics associated with a system reoperation strategy will vary among water purveyors depending upon the complexity of their system and their interest in participating in local and or interregional efforts.

There may be opportunity to reoperate portions of California’s statewide water system to yield increased water resources related benefits. This opportunity was recently recognized by the State Legislature in Senate Bill X2 1 (SB X2 1) (Perata, 2008 – Water Code Section 83002.5), which mandated and allocated resources for “planning and feasibility studies to identify potential options for the reoperation of the state’s flood protection and water supply systems that will optimize the use of existing facilities and groundwater storage capacity.”

Specifically, SB X2 1 stipulated that “the studies shall incorporate appropriate climate change strategies and be designed to determine the potential to achieve the following objectives:

(I) Integration of flood protection and water supply systems to increase water supply reliability and flood protection, improve water quality, and provide for ecosystem protection and restoration.

(II) Reoperation of existing reservoirs, flood facilities, and other water facilities in conjunction with groundwater storage to improve water supply reliability, flood hazard reduction, and ecosystem protection and to reduce groundwater overdraft.

(III) Promotion of more effective groundwater management and protection and greater integration of groundwater and surface water resource uses.

(IV) Improvement of existing water conveyance systems to increase water supply reliability, improve water quality, expand flood protection, and protect and restore ecosystems.


System Reoperation Study, Phase 2: Strategy Formulation and Refinement

System Reoperation Study, Phase 2: Appendix A: Forecast?Based Operations Analysis

System Reoperation Study, Phase 2: Appendix B: Tradeoff Analysis

System Reoperation Study, Phase 3 Report: Assessment of Reoperation Strategies

System Reoperation, Phase 3: Appendix C: State Water Project and Central Valley Project Integrated Operations Analysis

System Reoperation, Phase 3 Appendix D: Ecosystem Evaluation


Central Valley Project (CVP), infrastructure, State Water Project (SWP), water project operations