Document Details

Suisun Marsh Monitoring Program Annual Data Summary Water Year 1999

Dick Wada, Kamyar Guivetchi, Mike Floyd, Patty Finfrock, Cassandra Enos, Liz Cook, Chris Alford, Lauren Buffaloe, Mike Bradbury | July 31st, 2001

This report summarizes data collected in the Suisun Marsh during Water Year 1999 (October 1, 1998 through September 30, 1999) pursuant to the following agreements, permits, and water rights decisions:

• State Water Resources Control Board Decision 1485, August 1978 (SWRCB 1978);

• State Water Resources Control Board Order WR 95-6, 1995 (SWRCB 1995a);

• Suisun Marsh Preservation Agreement, 1987 (USBR and others 1987);

• Suisun Marsh Monitoring Agreement, 1987 (DWR and others 1987);

• San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission Permit No. 35-78 (M) Amendment 7, 1997 (for construction of the initial facilities, namely the Roaring River Distribution System, Morrow Island Distribution System, and Goodyear Slough Outfall) (BCDC 1997);

• San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission Permit No. 4-84 (M) Amendment 4, 1991 (for construction of the Suisun Marsh Salinity Control Gates) (1991); and,

• U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Permit No. 16223E58 (for construction of the Suisun Marsh Salinity Control Gates), Special Condition 1, 1986 (USACE 1986).

This report fulfills a portion of the annual reporting requirements of the above-listed, agreements, permits, and water rights decisions as detailed in Table 1. Remaining reporting requirements will be fulfilled in other Department of Water Resources (DWR) and/or University of California Davis reports.

DWR and the California Department of Fish and Game (DFG) primarily collected data summarized in this report. The data include

• general hydrologic data;

• continuous channel water specific conductance and tidal height measurements;

• marsh-wide vegetation survey update;

• waterfowl abundance; and

• salt marsh harvest mouse occurrence.


ecosystem management, habitat restoration, monitoring, Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta, salinity, water project operations, water quality, wetlands