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Status and Understanding of Groundwater Quality in the Mojave Basin Domestic-Supply Aquifer Study Unit, 2018: California GAMA Priority Basin Project

Krishangi D. Groover, Miranda S. Fram, Zeno F. Levy | May 15th, 2024

Groundwater quality in the western part of the Mojave Desert in San Bernardino County, California, was investigated in 2018 as part of the California State Water Resources Control Board Groundwater Ambient Monitoring and Assessment Program Priority Basin Project. The Mojave Basin Domestic-Supply Aquifer study unit (MOBS) region was divided into two study areas—floodplain and regional—to assess differences between the two major aquifers used for drinking water supply in the area. This assessment characterized the quality of ambient groundwater and not the quality of treated drinking water.


drinking water, Groundwater Ambient Monitoring and Assessment (GAMA) Program, Groundwater Exchange, water quality