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Small Tributaries Pollutants of Concern Reconnaissance Monitoring: Pilot Evaluation of Source Areas Using PCB Congener Data

Alicia N. Gilbreath, Jay A. Davis | October 1st, 2019

PCB congener profiles can be used to help identify source areas that contribute most to the PCB mass exported from the watershed via stormwater and to illustrate variability in PCB mobilization from source areas over time. A method is presented for estimating the contributions of different Aroclor mixtures to the congener profiles of samples of stormwater and sediment. The method is based on the use of indicator congeners that are representative of each of the four most commonly used Aroclors. In this report, the method was applied in three watersheds. In the Pulgas Pump Station watershed, stormwater and sediment had high concentrations with a unique congener profile, dominated by congeners indicative of a combination of Aroclors 1242 and 1260. The concentrations and congener profiles in sediment suggest that there are two distinct source areas in the watershed that combine to create the mix of 1242 and 1260 that is dominant in stormwater at the Pump Station. The data indicate that if PCB flux from one of these areas could be eliminated, loads from the watershed would be reduced by 50% or more. For the Coyote Creek watershed, the similarity in congener profiles for the highest concentration sediment samples and the stormwater samples suggest that the important source areas in the watershed have been identified, and that reduction of loading from an area at the south end of the Charcot Avenue Storm Drain watershed would yield the greatest reduction in export at the Coyote Creek station. The concentrations and congener profiles in stormwater and sediment from the Guadalupe River watershed indicate the presence of one source area that is likely a substantial contributor to PCB export from the watershed, but that all of the significant sources areas may not yet have been identified.


monitoring, pollutants, Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta, stormwater, water quality