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Public Review Draft Report to the Legislature on the Results of the Indoor Residential Water Use Study

California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | May 11th, 2021

Water planning has always been important for urban retail water suppliers (Suppliers) but is even more critical today, as development progresses and California grapples with frequent droughts and expected long-term climate impacts. Prior to the adoption of the Urban Water Management Planning (UWMP) Act in 1983, there were no specific requirements that mandated urban water suppliers to conduct long-term water resources planning. While many Suppliers did conduct long-term water planning, those that did not were more vulnerable to supply disruptions during dry periods and catastrophic events. Urban water management planning is needed at the local level because only local Suppliers have the knowledge and ability to tailor their planning to their unique conditions and involve their local community in the planning effort.

Click here for the DWR press release


urban water conservation, water use efficiency