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Priority Margin Unit Stormwater Monitoring to Support Load Estimates of PCBs into San Leandro Bay and the Emeryville Crescent

Alicia Gilbreath, Jay Davis | July 15th, 2022

The Priority Margin Unit Studies: The 2014 update of the RMP PCB Strategy called for a multi-year effort to implement the recommendations of the  PCB Synthesis Report (Davis et al., 2014) including:

1. identifying margin units that are high priorities for management and monitoring,
2. developing conceptual models and mass budgets for margin units downstream of watersheds where management actions will occur, and
3. monitoring in these units as a performance measure.

The goal of the effort was to inform the review and possible revision of the PCB TMDL and the reissuance of the Municipal Regional Permit for Stormwater (MRP).


monitoring, Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta, stormwater, water quality