Document Details

Mission Bay Historical Ecology Reconnaissance Study: Data Collection Summary (Technical Report)

Samuel Safran, Emily Clark, Erin Beller, Robin Grossinger | February 1st, 2016

The goals of the Mission Bay Historical Ecology Reconnaissance Study were to collect and compile high-priority historical data about the Mission Bay landscape, identify sources that could help to develop a deeper understanding of early ecological conditions, and to identify future possible research directions based on the available data. This technical memorandum is intended to document the archives consulted during the reconnaissance study, summarize the collected and compiled data, and to identify potential next steps. A separate technical presentation to project staff and advisors will summarize the preliminary findings and questions generated from a review of the historical dataset. Ultimately, this research is intended to support the San Diego Audubon Society’s Mission Bay Wetlands Conceptual Restoration Plan (CRP) and the ReWild Mission Bay project.

Also on this topic: Mission Bay Historical Ecology Reconnaissance Study: Data CollectionSummary and Initial Findings (Presentation)


basin characterization, ecosystem restoration, history