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Making the Most of Water for the Environment: A Functional Flows Approach for California’s Rivers

Ted Grantham, Jeffrey Mount, Eric D. Stein, Sarah M. Yarnell | August 25th, 2020

In California, water and land management activities have substantially altered river flows and degraded river channels and their floodplains. The result has been a precipitous decline in native fish populations, including the collapse of valued salmon fisheries, and widespread imperilment of freshwater biodiversity. Environmental flowsflows in rivers and streams necessary to sustain ecosystem healthare essential to reversing these trends. Yet many rivers in California lack environmental flows. And for those rivers with such protections, environmental flows are typically established at static minimum levels, which fail to preserve the natural seasonal and interannual variability of flow that sustains healthy ecosystems. A new approach to managing environmental water is needed. 


flows, sediment, water project operations, water quality