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Frequently Asked Questions Related to the CASGEM Program

California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | August 21st, 2023

Since 2009, the California Statewide Groundwater Elevation Monitoring (CASGEM) Program has tracked seasonal and long-term groundwater elevation trends in groundwater basins statewide.

The program’s mission is to establish a permanent, locally-managed program of regular and systematic monitoring in all of California’s alluvial groundwater basins.

Senate Bill x7-6, passed by the legislature in 2009, established collaboration between local monitoring parties and DWR to collect statewide groundwater elevations, to be made available to the public. In response to the law, we developed the CASGEM program.

Collecting and evaluating these groundwater data on a statewide scale is a fundamental step toward improving management of California’s groundwater resources. The CASGEM program relies and builds upon the many previously established local long-term groundwater monitoring and management programs. Click here for the CASEGEM Data and Resources directory from the Department of Water Resources.


Groundwater Exchange, monitoring, Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA)