Document Details

Field Operations Manual for the Regional Monitoring Program (Version 1, Sediment)

Ila Shimabuku, Sarah Pearce, Philip Trowbridge, Amy Franz, Donald Yee, Paul Salop | August 1st, 2018

This Field Operations Manual (FOM) of the Regional Monitoring Program (RMP) is intended as a reference document for each sampling effort. The FOM describes in detail how field staff should collect water, sediment, bivalve, bird egg, and sport fish samples for all RMP sampling efforts. 

Sampling conducted by the RMP should also reference the QA Program Plan (QAPP) document, which describes the entire program, and is the repository for details about laboratories, analytical methods, MDLs, sample handling, sample preservation, and quality assurance procedures. The FOM is a companion document to the QAPP, and provides a more detailed description of sampling methods that are only outlined in Section 11 of the QAPP. 

In addition, each individual sampling effort will have a unique Cruise Plan or Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP). The SAP describes the details of each sampling effort, including dates, times, places, and staff, as well as the parameters that are being collected and analyzed. The SAP will reference this FOM for the detailed sampling methods. If different sampling methods are needed for a particular study, the SAP will describe deviations from the normal methods described in the FOM. 


monitoring, Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta, sediment, water quality