Document Details

California Subsidence Program – Subsidence and Groundwater Monitoring Project

Environmental Science Associates (ESA) | June 21st, 2024

This Initial Study (IS) and Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) has been prepared by the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) to address the environmental impacts of the proposed California Aqueduct Subsidence Program (CASP) Subsidence and Groundwater Monitoring Project (proposed project) and to satisfy the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The DWR is planning installation of equipment to collect spatial information at approximately five (5) groundwater and subsidence monitoring stations along the California Aqueduct (Aqueduct) (approximately Mile Posts 213.0L, 230.6L, 259.6L, 271.2L, and 279.1L within the San Joaquin Field Division) (Figure 1). The proposed project would provide real-time data to monitor groundwater levels and other spatial information as they relate to ground subsidence. The data would be used to help inform how subsidence is affecting the Aqueduct and would assist in maintaining infrastructure of the State Water Project (SWP). The proposed project is described in more detail in Chapter 2.


Central Valley, infrastructure, monitoring, risk assessment, State Water Project (SWP), subsidence