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Untapped Potential: An Assessment of Urban Stormwater Runoff Potential in the United States

Bruk Berhanu, Morgan Shimabuku, Shannon Spurlock, Jessica Dery, Heather Cooley, Catherine A. Riihimaki, Nicole G. Beck, Gary Conley | February 29th, 2024

In this assessment, we quantify the volumetric potential for stormwater runoff in US Census Urban Areas across the entire United States. This assessment finds that the average annual volumetric potential for urban stormwater runoff is 59.5 million acre-feet per year (AFY), or 53,100 million gallons per day (MGD). This volume is equivalent to 93% of the water withdrawals for municipal and industrial uses in 2015, though not all of this runoff is necessarily feasible or desirable to capture. We estimate that 37% of this national volume (21.9 million AFY) is generated just in coastal areas, which presents an opportunity for increased stormwater capture in areas that are less likely to face challenges related to adverse impacts on downstream water rights holders.


stormwater, urban water conservation