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Small Tributaries Pollutants of Concern Reconnaissance Monitoring: Loads and Yields-based Prioritization Methodology Pilot Study

Lester McKee, Alicia N. Gilbreath, Jennifer Hunt, Jing Wu, Don Yee, Jay A. Davis | October 1st, 2019

Watershed yields (mass exported per unit watershed area) can be used as an indicator variable to help identify watersheds or source areas of higher management interest in relation to mass loads that impact the Bay. When prioritization includes an analysis of uncertainty, a recommendation can also be made for priority investigations necessary to reduce uncertainties. A method is presented for generating comparable yield estimates for small industrial watersheds where only a single storm has been sampled and for which a watershed boundary has been generated. The method generates standardized storm-based yields for each sampled site for a 0.5-year annual return frequency storm with 2-hour peak rainfall intensity. No attempt has been made to estimate annual average yields (the metric upon which the TMDL was based).


modeling, pollutants, Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta, science management, stormwater, water quality