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Los Angeles Basin Stormwater Conservation Study: Task 3.2 Hydrologic Modeling Report

Lee Alexanderson, Daniel Bradbury | December 3rd, 2013

The Los Angeles County Flood Control District (LACFCD) partnered with the U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) to collaborate on the Los Angeles Basin Stormwater Conservation Study (LA Basin Study). The purpose of the LA Basin Study is to investigate long-range water conservation and flood control impacts caused by projected changes in climate conditions and population in the Los Angeles region. The LA Basin Study will recommend potential modifications or changes in the operation of the existing stormwater capture systems, and the development of new facilities that could help resolve future water supply and flood control issues. These recommendations will be developed by identifying alternatives and conducting trade-off analyses.

For Task 3, Downscaled Climate Change and Hydrologic Modeling of the LA Basin Study, Reclamation developed downscaled climate change projections, while LACFCD applied these projections to generate the future hydrology. LACFCD utilized the Watershed Management Modeling System (WMMS) to perform the hydrologic modeling for the LA Basin Study. This report summarizes the data, methods, and results of the historic and future hydrologic modeling.

The purpose of Task 3.2, Hydrologic Modeling is to simulate hydrology with respect to climate change for the Los Angeles River, San Gabriel River, Ballona Creek, South Santa Monica Bay, North Santa Monica Bay, Malibu Creek, and Dominguez Channel/Los Angeles Harbor watersheds (Basin Study Watersheds). This study incorporates the entire watershed boundaries, including where they extend outside of Los Angeles County. The following sub-tasks were identified to achieve this objective:

  • Historic Hydrologic Modeling (Water Year 1987 through 2000)
    • Determine baseline scenario modeling assumptions
    • Prepare WMMS to simulate baseline scenario
    • Perform WMMS baseline simulations
    • Analyze and summarize WMMS results
  • Projected Hydrologic Modeling (Water Year 2012 through 2095)
    • Determine future scenario modeling assumptions
    • Prepare WMMS to simulate future scenarios
    • Perform WMMS simulations
    • Analyze and summarize WMMS results


climate change, flood management, Groundwater Exchange, modeling, stormwater, water supply forecasting