Document Details

Prospect Island Tidal Habitat Restoration Project: Admin Final Restoration Plan

California Department of Water Resources (DWR), California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) | June 12th, 2014

This Prospect Island Tidal Habitat Restoration Project (Project) Draft Restoration Plan (Plan) describes the proposed actions needed to restore up to 1,600 acre (ac) of diked lands to tidal wetlands. The Project site is located in Solano County, in the northern Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta (Delta) (Figure 1-1). Prospect Island falls under two ownerships: the approximately 1,300-ac northern property is owned by the California Department of Water Resources (DWR), and the southern, approximately 300-ac portion is owned by the Port of West Sacramento (Port).

There are three privately owned properties contiguous to the site: the Stringer property, a small peninsula connected to the southeast margin of the DWR property; the Hall property, a small peninsula connected to the southeast margin of the Port property; and the Fahn property, actively farmed land north of the Project boundary. A privately operated marina, Arrowhead Harbor, is located at the northeastern corner of the site.

With the exception of discussion of site topography (Section 4.3.3), three areal extents are used for the purposes of this Restoration Plan and interrelated environmental analyses of the Project. The Tidal Restoration Footprint is the area internal to the levees that would be subject to tidal action following restoration. The Diked Lands Project Area represents all diked lands that would be restored and potentially used to construct the Project, and extends outward to the high tide line on the exterior side of the levees. The Construction Project Area represents the Diked Lands Project Area plus all potential exterior in-water work areas.


habitat restoration, levees, Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta