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From the sanitary city to the sustainable city: challenges to institutionalising biogenic (nature’s services) infrastructure

Stephanie Pincetl | January 4th, 2010

Much has been made of the need for cities to becomemore sustainable, particularly since for the first time in human history over half of the world’s population are urban dwellers. Cities concentrate human activities in an exceptionally powerful manner, and this includes resource use and the generation of pollution. Attention has turned towards cities for their capacity to enhance and use nature’s services – ecological sustainability – to remediate some of their own environmental impacts. Insufficient attention has been paid to the challenges of implementation of this new approach to infrastructure in an era of devolution and skepticism about government. This paper discusses these twin and interwoven questions through the lens of an on-going natural experiment, the implementation of a million tree-planting campaign in Los Angeles, CA.


ecosystem management, infrastructure, planning and management, stormwater, urban water conservation