Aquatic Life Study Final Report

San Joaquin Valley Drainage Authority | January 6th, 2016


Central Valley Salinity Alternatives for Long Term Sustainability (CV‐SALTS) is developing a comprehensive regulatory and programmatic approach to the management of sa

Basin-scale responses of groundwater-resource quality to drought and recovery, San Joaquin Valley, California

Hydrological Processes (Wiley) | April 15th, 2024


Groundwater-resource quality is assumed to be less responsive to drought compared to that of surface water due to relatively long transit times of recharge to drinking-su

Bayesian nitrate source apportionment to individual groundwater wells in the Central Valley by use of elemental and isotopic tracers

American Geophysical Union (AGU) | July 31st, 2016


Groundwater quality is a concern in alluvial aquifers that underlie agricultural areas, such as in the San Joaquin Valley of California. Shallow domestic wells (less tha

California regulation of agricultural runoff

American Bar Association (ABA) | November 1st, 2017


Agriculture in California is a multibillion dollar industry that produces more than half of the nation’s fruits, nuts, and vegetables. But this comes at a cost. Agricul

Central Valley Region Salt and Nitrate Management Plan

Central Valley Salinity Alternatives for Long-Term Sustainability (CV-SALTS) | January 19th, 2017


Elevated salinity and nitrates in surface water and groundwater are increasing problems affecting much of California, other western states, and arid regions throughout th

Characterizing Nitrates in Central Coast Groundwater

Central Coast Groundwater Coalition (CCGC) | April 1st, 2016


The Central Coast Groundwater Coalition (CCGC) is a third-party cooperative groundwater monitoring program that was established for landowners/operators in the Ce

Clear Lake Watershed and Lake Remediation

University of California, Davis (UC Davis) | December 9th, 2024


The main goal of this joint effort between the University of California Davis, Tahoe Environmental Research Center (UCD-TERC), and the United States Geological Survey (US

Comparing Domestic and Public-Supply Groundwater Quality in the Northern San Joaquin Valley, 2019: California GAMA Priority Basin Project

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) | June 5th, 2023


Analysis of construction data for wells included in the comparative assessment indicated that, although depth to top of perforations are comparable for domestic and publi

Comparison of potential drinking water source contamination across one hundred U.S. cities

Nature Portfolio (Springer Nature) | December 13th, 2021


Drinking water supplies of cities are exposed to potential contamination arising from land use and other anthropogenic activities in local and distal source watersheds. B

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Hydrological Region