A Measure of Snow: Case Studies of the Snow Survey and Water Supply Forecasting Program

U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) | September 1st, 2010


Snow depth and snow water content data have been collected and disseminated throughout the W estern United States for over 100 years. Early Snow Survey and Wate

A Multidataset Assessment of Climatic Drivers and Uncertainties of Recent Trends in Evaporative Demand across the Continental United States

American Meteorological Society (AMS) | April 1st, 2022


Increased atmospheric evaporative demand has important implications for humans and ecosystems in water-scarce lands. While temperature plays a significant role in drivin

A Perspective on the Drought in California

Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) | November 21st, 1991


Despite heavy rains in March 1991, California continues to face a serious near-term water problem resulting from five years of drought. In fact, the amount of water in st

A simmering revolt against groundwater cutbacks in California

Stanford University | December 14th, 2022


In 2014, California legislators, focused on groundwater’s accelerating decline during a prolonged drought, passed the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act. Its impera

A tale of two California droughts: Lessons amidst record warmth and dryness in a region of complex physical and human geography

American Geophysical Union (AGU) | November 19th, 2015


The state of California has experienced the worst drought in its historical record during 2012–2015. Adverse effects of this multi year event have been far from unifor

A western United States snow reanalysis dataset over the Landsat era from water years 1985 to 2021

Nature Portfolio (Springer Nature) | November 7th, 2022


Water stored in mountain snowpacks (i.e., snow water equivalent, SWE) represents an important but poorly characterized component of the terrestrial water cycle. The Weste

Addendum to the State Water Project and Central Valley Project Drought Contingency Plan

California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | July 29th, 2022


This Addendum includes current hydrologic conditions, plus updates on the following: operations status and the latest SWP and CVP (collectively referred to as Projects) o

Addendum to the State Water Project and Central Valley Project Drought Contingency Plan

California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | August 31st, 2022


This Addendum includes current hydrologic conditions, plus updates on the following: operations status and the latest SWP and CVP (collectively referred to as Projects) o

Addressing Institutional Vulnerabilities in California’s Drought Water Allocation, Part 1: Water Rights Administration and Oversight During Major Statewide Droughts, 1976–2016

California Natural Resources Agency (CNRA) | August 30th, 2018


Climate change has already begun to affect California’s hydrology and water resources, and droughts are likely to become more frequent, longer, and more intense

Addressing Institutional Vulnerabilities in California’s Drought Water Allocation, Part 2: Improving Water Rights Administration and Oversight for Future Droughts

California Natural Resources Agency (CNRA) | August 30th, 2018


 In California, droughts are likely to become more frequent, longer, and more intense in the future, posing increasing challenges for water management, and raising the s

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