Document Details

System Reoperation Study, Phase 2: Appendix B: Tradeoff Analysis

MBK Engineers (MBK) | March 3rd, 2014

The System Reoperation Study is designed to identify potential options for the reoperation of the state’s flood control and water supply systems to meet the following objectives:

Water supply reliability
Flood hazard reduction
Ecosystem protection and restoration

Reoperation options include integration of flood control and water supply systems, effective conjunctive management, and improvements to existing water conveyance systems. This phase of the analysis focuses on integration of flood control enhancing water supply systems and expanded conjunctive management with existing conveyance systems.

An analysis was designed and performed with the goal of identifying potential reoperation options and to improve understanding of existing system constraints. The analysis is referred to as the tradeoff analysis in recognition of the fact that the existing flood control/water supply system is highly integrated and currently operated to meet water supply, flood control, and ecosystem purposes.

Current system operations are complex and frequently constrained by flood control and ecosystem requirements and water rights and contracts for the beneficial use of water. Therefore, reoperation options designed to meet one of the three objectives of the System Reoperation Study frequently create tradeoffs with the other objectives. For example, reductions in required reservoir space for flood control may improve water supply reliability but increase risk of flood damage.

The tradeoff analysis is a reconnaissance-level study designed to help illustrate how operational changes designed for one purpose can affect other objectives. Because the existing reservoir and conveyance system is highly integrated and constrained, changes in operation for one purpose create tradeoffs with other purposes. A reconnaissance-level study can help identify these tradeoffs, some of which may be unexpected or unintended, and thereby help guide refinement of more promising options. Model simulations performed in the tradeoff analysis are not refined for the purpose of quantifying benefits or impacts, but rather are intended to illustrate how operational changes in one area affect other areas. For example, how Central Valley Project (CVP) operations can affect State Water Project (SWP) operations, and vice versa.


System Reoperation Study, Phase 1: Plan of Study

System Reoperation Study, Phase 2: Strategy Formulation and Refinement

System Reoperation Study, Phase 2: Appendix A: Forecast?Based Operations Analysis

System Reoperation Study, Phase 2: Appendix B: Tradeoff Analysis

System Reoperation Study, Phase 3 Report: Assessment of Reoperation Strategies

System Reoperation, Phase 3: Appendix C: State Water Project and Central Valley Project Integrated Operations Analysis

System Reoperation, Phase 3 Appendix D: Ecosystem Evaluation


Central Valley Project (CVP), State Water Project (SWP), water project operations