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Interagency Ecological Program Science Strategy: Needs for near-term science in five areas of emphasis

Interagency Ecological Program (IEP) | March 4th, 2016

The mission of the Interagency Ecological Program (IEP) is to provide and integrate relevant and timely ecological information for management of the Bay-Delta ecosystem and the water that flows through it. This is accomplished through collaborative and scientifically sound monitoring, research, modeling, and synthesis efforts for various aspects of the aquatic ecosystem. Building on the IEP Strategic Plan, which identifies the long-term goals and strategies to be implemented by the IEP to achieve its mission, the IEP Science Strategy provides direction to interagency science used to inform the management and ecological interests of IEP agencies in the near-term, and is one of a number of inputs used to shape the IEP Annual Work Plans. While the IEP Strategic Plan states that the Science Strategy be drafted for a 3-5 year horizon, a shorter 2-year timeframe for this first IEP Science Strategy has been adopted to allow for a more flexible internal development and review process, as well as feedback from the Bay-Delta research and stakeholder community.


Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta, science management